Mountain Herbal Tea

“The highest quality tea, comes from the highest mountains”, says an ancient Chinese saying. “The highest Greek mountains” we would add.
From the mountaintops of Olympus, home of the ancient Gods, we bring to you one of the most important herbs with a constant presence in the mediteranenan diet for centuries.
In Greece it is known as “Mountain Tea” It is an aromatic herb. It is an aromatic herb found on the Greek mountains in an altitude of over 1000 metres.
In herbal medicine (botanology) it is reffered to as Sideritis. Apart from its properties beneficial properties as a beverage, ancient soldiers believed that it could assist in wound healing caused by the metalic edges of arrows and spears.
In the near-mediteranenan zone and especially the Greek mountains grow the most aromatic varieties of sideritis.
From the 180 recorded varieties, we picked and brought to you the one which is distinguished by its special aroma, ease of use and special properties of sideriti scardica. In Greece is known as “Olympus Tea”.